Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beautiful Boy

One year....

I don't know how to write this post....

So much to say and not enough time today, so I will write what I can for now.

You see one year ago as I waited to meet my boy I couldn't begin to imagine where life was about to take us. I couldn't imagine that I would soon hold my baby and feel so broken. I couldn't imagine the tears I would shed or the heartache I would feel.I couldn't imagine Down Syndrome.

I didn't know how to heal myself, but Austin did.

When I didn't think I was capable, he showed me that I was. When I cried, he smiled, and slowly the hurt was gone.

Down Syndrome was gone.

Oh that extra chromosome is still there, poking it's head up at the most inopportune times, reminding us that yeah we still do have to worry about some things that others don't.

But the Down Syndrome is gone.....or at least we don't see it.

One year ago today we mourned what we thought we lost......since then we've healed.

Today we celebrate!!!!

and tomorrow I will write a much better much longer post;)